


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Why do you keep answering all my dumbass questions?

uhhhh... good question. i have no damn idea why i am...

If a tree fell in the wood and no one was around to here it would it make a sound?

yes, but no one is there to ear it, so we don't know i it did make a sound or not.

What came first the chicken or the egg?


what question are we on now?


Have you made a flash?

no but i want to.

If a roster layed an egg on top of a house that had a ^ shaped roof what side would it fall off of?

I would not land. It' impossible for a rooster to lay a egg. ((didn't think i would see past that one, did ya?))

What time is it?

for me it's 8:33 but here it's 10:33

do you know how to dance?

no, i do not. besides the 4 step....

did it snow by u 2?

it snowed a little by me, it's sunny where i am.

Why is snow white?

the ice is too small to really make it's own color ith no help with dirt and such, and white is just it's normal color

What is faster then the speed of light?

there is nothing faster than the speed of light, as far as humans know.

Why do I work with a bunch of assholes?

because, people are ass holes, we are the exception.

Why don't Mexico take part in the olyimpics?

cuz they are too retarded, and not rich enough.

do u want me to tell u the answer to the Mexico question?

yea. not too sure about that one. all i did was tell you what I think. lol

The right answer is

Because all of there best runners, jumpers and swimmers are already here in the U.S

roflmfao thats funny

Why am I the only one to ask you questions?

on this post yes

Do you have any better ideas to do to there cars?

get a huge jug of pee and poor it on their windshield, when ever they have their AC on, it will smell like piss for about a month i think.

how many questions did I ask?

58. lol

worng I answered one so theres only 57 questions

i know your wrong. look on my home page, see right next to where you click "ost a response" or what ever that it, there is the number of how many posts there are. the number is now 59.

there is now 60 posts but only 57 questions.

..... snap.............. you got me good!

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