what does Rofl imao means?
school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa
Joined on 2/9/09
what does Rofl imao means?
roflmao means rolling on floor laughing my ass off. roflmfao= rolling on floor, laughing my fucking ass off.
What would you do if this was the last question?
make a new post, but it's not the last question :(
I hope you read my post before answering all of those questions, did you?
what post?
Why is Barney Purple?
cuz he can burp rainbows and shit skittles.
Why do shit is brown? why not...pink!? XD
borwn is the natural color of used minerals and vitimns. pink would mean you are screwd.
When I label my question as trap, does it makes you nervous?
you kidding? i feel as calm as ever!