


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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you dont have the guts, your just another newgrounder that obeys the mods and admins.

I OBEY NO ONE!!!!!!!!!! i avoid the mods and adims and if you dare to piss me off you might as well go kill your self, i have my own PERSONAL army and hacker. STFU.

Take this Advice:
1. put your finger on your nose
2. hold your breath for 5 seconds
3. say the name of your love
4. that person will ask you out on the next Friday
5. you will have the best day tomorrow
6. if%uFEFF you don't copy and paste to 2 other videos you will have bad luck and die in 2 days

STFU, no one believes that shit.

lol this seems fun

hell yea! but i won't be able to do any thing to gamer30hrplus cuz i got banned lol i can't post or PM her. she wanted me to stop being friends with igott and i'm like "lol u n00b STFU there is no fucking wai i'm going to stop being a /b/rotha to igott" and she was all like "k ur still banned then" and then i was like "lol you fucking little ass wipe" but she never got it cuz she banned meh lol the fag

You remind me of this kid I've seen the other day. He cried when his ice-pop fell down to the Mother Earth. Get a life. Who is going to kiss and bow down to you? Not even a worm.

But your posts and annoying comments make me lol sometimes. And about gamer30hplus, she doesn't piss off people like you do. And rest of your faggotary army.

'i have my own PERSONAL army and hacker. STFU.' So what? We have friends as well. But if you by the term of friend mean those who only worship you like a God so you won't troll them, then I pity you.

people worship me and wish to be me. why do you think people do some of my dirty work for me?

you have no idea what you are talking about,

friends are nothing compared to what i have. you, pitty me? lol i'm the guy they wish they could be, i show mercy because i feel like it, not because i do it to have them fear me, i am a just and good ruler, but piss me off and so help me god i will put you in a jar and shove you up my own ass. STFU n00b. you have no idea who you are talking to.

holy crap aspyre, you and what seems like everyone under the sun seem to care a little too much about "eliminating trolls and spammers" is it really that horrible that everyone has to piss and moan about it constantly? is it?

my point. you said alot right there. he calls me a little child that cries when my ice-pop fell on the floor, if it happens i go "so what?" i clean it up and don't give a shit about it. he is a white knight tryiing to piss me off, the only thing he is doing is testing my patience.

Dude you're not going to do anything. Tekcos is right, you're just like every other member of newgrounds: you obey the rules, listen to the mods and admins and get banned like everyone else here. Don't even bother with htis bullshit

your also a white knight, trying to change the unchangeable. GIVE UP.

igott? you're following that disgrace to all humankind? I used to think you were worth respecting. Now I'm not so sure anymore.

i follow no one but myself and my clostest friend, other wise i shall do as i damn well please.

Funny part is, we got mod support.

thats how awesome we are.

Dude, it's not about eliminating them, it's about them who pick on weak newgrounds people. Let's see if they're so tough as to attack mods or admins or someone important on this site. Let me see yah then, sunshine.

i've worked too hard on my account to loose it because i pissed off a mod. those are the only i will NOT mess with you stupid cunt. plus, i got friends who are friends with the mods ((igott for instance))

New post.

personalty, i don't really care, but your drawings are good.

Ok time for you to shut the hell up!
If you dare to say that shit about my friends, you had better expect me to slam you!
Bring it you asshole!

lol fuck you. BRING IT YOU PUSSY!! y6ou ain't going to do any thing to me, because you can't. STFU n00b and GTFO!

do me next

you would like that wouldn't you? too bad, i shall do as i please, and i won't till you do some thing worth trolling you for.


Exclamation mark.

(P.S. Long time no see, eh?)

1) it's not LEET, it's 1337.
2) fuck no he is not.
3) sure has been. whats up? going to join in on this raid?



not very funny. needs a good reason for that to be said. unless you expect me to explode, then i guess that would work and make me lol a bit more.

Whoa hang up dude you a homophobe? Cause I aint got nothing against them.

no, i'm strait, I'M NOT A FAG!!!!!! i LOATH fags, unless their lesbian and REALLY hawt. then those chicks are just fine, but other wise NO.

Newfag. You remind me of myself.

i'm not a newfag, i've been here for a wile and have become more than many that have been here for a LONG time. i am anonymous, i am troll, i am 1337, i am /b/, i am /b/tard, i am god. i am a revolution, a new kind of person. i am good, i am evil, i do as a please, and no one can change my mind, i am a Spartan, fuck ninjas, and fuck pirates, i am the revolution and the future of the internet, i am becoming bigger and known more around new grounds as i type this, and be very scared, should you piss me off.

How's the cooking in hell? Should I pack something just in case?

quite well, came up with a recipe called "death for lunch." ummm.... nah, i think i got it all covered.

tekcos is right you are just another NGer, but about the not havin guts thing.. dont kno bout that cuz I didnt read ur shit. But its obvious you're a toolie like everyone else on this site. Your age especially gives it away, since when did all you little kids come take over this site. Bet you think its rebelleous to act like a dumbass online hm? FUckIN t00l. Go eat a dick.

TLDR i don't give a fucking hell what you think. sure, i'm 15, but i have a bigger dick than you, and i have more power than you could imagine. us "young kids" took over new grounds when we were introduced by /b/ and anonymous, now, i am part of both of them, yet i do my own thing. i don't eat dick, i eat pussy. STFU you fucking n00b.

Oh and btw, Spartans are gay. Really gay. And pirates and ninjaz would pwn the fuck out of those GAY spartans. Come on everyone knows they are gay with each other.. is that why you like them so much?

just because there was a flaswh called "300 queres" does not mean all are gay you faggit. ninjas pwn pirates, and spartan pwn ninja's. scientists have couculated over 1,000 times of a battle between a spartan and a ninja, and a spartan one 60% of the time, wile the ninja one 40% of the time. different factors and every thing. Spartans are the most deadly and awesome of all three. if you want proof i will give it to you. other wise shut, the fuck, UP!

And get pissed you little bitch. Do somthin. You fuckin online geek who gives a fuck about hackerz and all of that faggotry. Get a fuckin life.

i'm not a hacker, i have a hacker that helps me, and does my dirty work, you dream of being as awesome and epic as me, and you are pissed because it will never come true. i'm no geek, i have a real life, i'm on here to pass the time, other wise you ass wipes don't deserve to even know i am here, to even know of my name or even say my name.

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