


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Some gay life you have!
P.S!You dont need to have a life to leave,but it be best if you did,troll.Plus Spartan500,aint a clever username.Plus,I have a great life,the only thing that I really think that sucks.I cant get some!kiss kiss but no blow

1) lol yea, gay life... right.... you dickless wonder.
2)well, i am going to go out with a bang, and dinity. so shove it.
3)so what? danicos sounds like your real name to me, mexican fag, and it's stupid, and not clever at all.
4) O RLY?
5)thats because your balls have not dropped.

But thanx for leaving!We will miss you!


Goodnight, sweet prince.

well, to tel lthe truth, i'm not leaving YET< not for about two months, so i'm still here, i just ade this post to inform every one.

at least you don't suck at life
like me

wow dude, that was pretty dark, even for a guy lik me.

Nice biography dumbass.

O RLY? you liked it! THANK U SO MUCH! ^^

you fail at life just like all of us and youre just too much of a fucking pussy to admit it, shithead

suprised you have not been hacked yet. you sre have pissed off many of us trolls.

You're one hell of a faggot.

and you are one hell of a dickless wonder!


did u notice my "meet the spy" joke? unlike the other retards...

you're not weak. You decided to live. Good for you. Kudos

last thing i need is good words from a white knight. leave me alone, you have dishonored me, and i will not speak to you again. so shut the fuck up.

these hallowed halls will echo with the spirit of a once great warrior of the Revolution. You shall be missed by your commrads as well as us civilians.

Godspeed Spartan500, Godspeed.


And your wods will remain in my heart, TheFreedMan. but, i have two months to decidem and i would like to have an alliance with you, until i leave.

I never really known you but since your a troll heres a tip when trolling-piss them off by making threads like "fagot123 sucks balls".

lol well duh. i am part every thing else also, not JUST part troll. and why are you giving advice on how to troll, to a spartan like me?

What a faggot!

-.- yes, yes you are.

why so much hate on this site?

because, if you have not noticed, the internet if full of ass holes with no lives.

with the girlfriend
you know how it goes

wtf r u even talking about????? -.-

My old account used to troll the forums way back in 2007.

good for you, that was the past and this is the now, get with the fucking times.

Apparently you're igott.

See profile. As in mine.

i'm not igott. i am spartan500, he has his own way of trolling and being an ass, but he is not revolution, he is not old fag, new fag, /b/, /b/tard, internet tough guy, anonymous, legion, a master that tought him every thing that he knows about the internet, hackers that gladly hack for him with out getting his own hands dirty, no white knights talking to him, ect. i am spartan500, and you are pissing me off. STFU n00b.

Please at least come once in a while? If i can't stop you then i guess goodbye :(

i don't think i will be able to, and i have a wile before i leave. good bye my good friend, i will send you a link to my master who tought me and made me the spartan of epic i am. he will continue your training i hope.

Just when I get back into NG you leave.

I am disapoint.

indeed. but not yet, the time has not yet come.

sure you hacked him, nice job on sending him porn, i bet he'll hate having fap material... also i dont think computers can stay on if you take the plug out/let them run down, no matter how much you want them to, so thats another part of your "hack" that isn't true... dude you suck so hard lmfao.