


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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how are you going to troll someone that has no news post

PM's. think before you ask young troll.

The internet is not your personal army.
Also it's faggot.

1)no fucking duh! how many fucking time do i have to say this?? I HAVE MY OWN PERSONAL ARMY!!!
2)also, i don't give a fuck. i shall fsay it how ever i want, it still gets the message thrugh. if you have not noticed, which you have not, i am part /b/tard!!

/b/ is not your personal army newfag


This is pretty much it.

your one to talk. your not the old awesome gott you o0nce where when i started, but now your just a fag. STFU.

pathetic yuh... /b/ is not your personal army for one thing, and also if you hadn't noticed this ISN'T /b/, /b/ hates newgrounds so just the fact that you have an account on newgrounds and your asking it for help proves just how much of a newfag you really are, plus i doubt a 35 year old would put their age as 15... douche.

1)why would /b/ attack some thing that has them flowing in it?
2) NO FUCKING DUH! i know /b/ is not my personal army, BUT I HAVE MY OWN ARMY! i would think you ass holes knew that by now, seeing how i've been on here for wuite a wile.
3)I AM PART NEWFAG! dumb ass.
4)it was a metefore, plus, i could have just selected a random year out of boredom and just wanted to get the sign up sheet over with.

Seriously, i fear for my internet life! How could I make the horrid mistake of telling "anon" to fuck off? :)) If it makes you feel any better I'm telling you to fuck off. With the risk of repeating others: "the internet isn't your personal army newfag"... And please do not make the audacious mistake of thinking you are the only one that can troll and raid. And what the fuck are you doing calling for /b/lackup on Newgrounds??? I pray for the day when Raptor Jesus will come and sweep /b/ of the cancer that is your kind. And with that farewell, my ambiguous friend.

1)as you should mortal.
2)then why did you tell anon to fuck off if it is a horrid mistake? because you wanted to die?
3) no, telling me to fuck off, is still telling every thing i am, INCLUDING anonymous to fuck off.
4)look at my others post, i grow tired of saying this. I AM PART NEWFAG!!!!
5)i dont think i am the only one that can troll, but much of my /b/lackup i call upon has changed, paryl, is going to get a vagina, the faggit, and igott is just a fag now.
6)raptor jesus suporsts me, how do you think i got the holy idea of REVOLUTION? how do you think i am part every thing on the internet? EVEN internet tough guy! Raptor Jesus is too weak to do any thing about me, thats why he made me so powerful, awesome, epic, and the worior for him self.
7) od some thing like this EVER again, and i WILL put you into a jar and shove you up gamer30hrplus ass!

Aww...are you getting pissed off? Good. Btw, learn the meaning of sarcasm before you think I'm actually sorry for insulting you, you pus-filled piece of crap. Oh, and keep telling yourself you are all of those things, cus, from where I stand you can't even write let alone make a logical sentence. By all means keep threatening me, you little shit and see where that gets you.

your threatening ME?! RLY?! ROFLMFAO LOL HAHAHHAAHAHAAHAAAAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! yea, i'm SSSSSOOOOOOO fucking scared!! you have no ground on which to stand, i am every thing i say i am, I AM REVOLUTION!!! go fuck your self with a dildo you fucking cunt. STFU AND GTFO faggit, KTHNXBAI!!!

all your pictures are of leonidas, or fire but thats not relevant, and leonidas died for sparta, and its a spartans dream to die for sparta, not to be the last oen remaining, so thats why it wouldnt be about you