


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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i will defeat joo lol

O RLY? not unless you have both igott and paryl as your /b/lackup you got nothing.

can you not tell that im fuckin around. and i got xellon2

he is my friend, and he knows better than to go flame war on me.

friend fuck being friends he is blood related to me :P

blood relations is of no concern on the internet. if he is smart he won't attack me. and same goes for you, i will put you in a jar and shove you up gamer30hrplus' ass!

can i join

i sopose, but you still have to be trained some what to be perfect for revolution

and blood means allot to me sorry dude

it will not be wise to attack me dude, richard is nothing, it's much better for him to be pissed off at you rather than me destroy you.

did i say anything about attacking you? no but i wont attack ricky either

not that i would ask you too. i'm not some kind of ass.


well at least some one is happy(sarcasm).

Internet Revolution is a Moralfag ideal.

you should be talking(sarcasm). and by that understanding, wouldn't anonymous be a bit of a moralfag ideal also?

can i has join

sure, PM me. you will have to show me how worthy you are to join. you still need more training though.

Hmm, seems interesting. I may join. :)

i'm the decider if you may join or not. i think you still need training.

Anonymous is not internet revolution, those Chanology fucks you see in pictures are your fellow moralfags. A real anon would hit something if they get pissed off with what they're hitting.

STFU, you aren't making any sense. I said i'm part anonymous! GET IT RIGHT!!

Its faggots like you who should lay off. You don't even have any ideals of a new world. You are just a mindless zombie pawn following the closest trend, which happens to be this. You attract more cancer than New Jersey. I bet you don't even think about the impossiblities of a perfect world, you just want things to happen and go your way. Newsflash, there are no guarantees. Ever. Included now.

Congrats. You are an idiot.

you mean, i'm following the trend i'm making? my ideal is a new type of internets, part all internets, yet all by it self, and elite /b/ and anonymous, and every thing else, to become the strongest and most powerful internet there is. mutating for the better is my goal. i don't think you understand. I just want a more powerful and better internet than what we have now. i'm taking anonymous thinking to heart. and only with enough power and truely trained spartans (revolutionists) could ever guarantees. Ever. Starting now.

Congrats. you are a faggit going onto my hit lits soon, shall you keep up your faggitry.

Let me degrade your argument fully.

| 1. ability to win.

That is something your leaderfagging lacks.

| 2. NO FAGS!

You forgot women. And not just fags, Newfags, Moralfags (OH WAIT.), and the other forms of *Fag.

| rules.

This should be good.

| 1. i am the grand master untill i leave and give it all to my master, so you will obey me with out question.


| 2. No fagitry shall be allowed, those who turn to faggits will have to be destroyed imedately.

Specify. And it's Faggotory.

| 3. no retreat, no mercy.

Like any pawn would do that. Sitting out is one.

| 4. if any one needs /b/lackup with in revolution, their call must be answered. very few exceptions to this rule.

Rules one and two. It works only on the /i/ boards or when lulz is to be caused.

| 5. if you need /b/lackup, make sure it's for good reasons, not just because osme one called you a fag or some thing.

Hypocrite. You'd call for a raid if someone talked trash about you.

| 6. you must be part all internets before you are fully accepted.

Hypocrite. You don't know jack shit about real Anon.

| 7. you must learn all internet rules and abide by them.

Once again, Hypocrite. You broke Rules one and two 4 times on this post alone.

| 8. any who join must go under a test of skill. for every teacher, they can have different tests. BUT, they must be with in reason.

And how are you going to test that, huh?

Face it, your club is a flop.

1) to win: must habve a avrage winning percent of 90%. thats what i mean.
2) woman are so posed to stay in the kitchen. and if they want to join, they better deliver tits or chew head.
3) i must have complete domination of revolution to have an epic empire. then wouldn't anonymous be a leaderfag by that understanding?
4) i'm revolution, i shall spell faggit how ever i god damn well please. others can spell it different if they choose, i choose thi way because i am part /b/tard. get it right.
5) no pawns shall be allowed. untill they become as 1337 or awesome as revolution demands, they shall not be allowed. NO EXCUSES.
6) i don't obey 1 and 2 unless i see fit.
7) i call on /b/lackup when i tell them a fair warning, and they continue.
8) well then, they must abide by all rules besides 34, 1 and 2 if they see fit. they can be like me, so if they don't choose to obey 1 and 2, thats fine with me, but talking about it in meez or runescape or some shit like that will call for punishment.
9)faggits are all around, i shall choose one, they will start a flame war, and they must handle it all by them selves.
face it, your argument is worthless.

hey what did gamer30hrplus do to piss you off?

1) she has not provided tits, chew head, or pussy besides her hentai some times. i want real boobs, and the only way to prove to me she does not have a cock and balls is to show me her hold naked body, AND PUSSY. so STFU!

You aren't a god. We won't hail you, you are just a lame Hitler knock-off.

yes, i am, only a god could make what i am doing now, hence, i am a god, just like the first anonymous. i didn't say you have to. i said those who choose. and yes, i am also part nazi. oh and one moar thing. STFU nigga, you be postin in a troll thread.

igott owned you and you know it.

i lol'd @ your failing attempts to make yourself god to everyone.
The only reason you want to start an "internet revolution" is because you want a circlejerk with everyone that posts on your profile.

And obviously, you cant do shit beside spam and make a complete idiot of yourself.

you fail at the internetz
stupid newfag is stupid

y'all n***as postin on a troll thread

I would rather hail a piece of dogshit, put it on a throne carved from gold and platinum, and kiss it before I ever hailed you.

Get a life and stop trying to get everyone on the internet to follow you. Nobody likes you, Nobody WILL like you, You are a JACKASS and...

Dude I gata tell you. You sound like a huge n00b!. Sound familiar? Asshole.