


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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first post lol


That was... interesting...

thats it? thats all you think about this?

You're just a poser anon with a lot of talk. Any real anon would've put you down.

dude, not even you ca put me down. i don't know why YOUR talking shit. Diss denied. failure points have been awarded to you. congradulations, you are a cock loving faggit. NOW GTFO AND TAKE YOUR FAILURES WITH YOU!!!!!

"I am 1337, I am /b/, i am troll, i am anonymous, i am revolution. i can be friendly, but piss me off" Hahaha! Almost had me saging troll, but you failed.

You know the rules and so do I.

That aside, thanks on the heads up on the Lazer collection.

what did i fail? i don't speak retard, i speak english.

yes i do. good for you.

no prob fag.

TL;DR- You ain't anon. Quit demanding that I fail to compensate your failures.

roflmfao you even di TLDR wrong! WHAT A FAGGIT!! PART anon, not full anonymous dumb ass. do what ever the bloody hell you want. i demand nothing to any one, besides those who join REVOLUTION.

a cheese burger would do nicely
and a large milk shake
that'll hit the spot i bet

you want fries with that?

lol @ revolution.
You're just 13 year old boy that thinks Anonymous is some sort of sikrit clubhouzz.
Everyone laughs at you, You're a fag.
I saw your other posts and I could not stop laughing my ass off
"rules. 1. i am the grand master untill i leave and give it all to my master, so you will obey me with out question. 2. No fagitry shall be allowed, those who turn to faggits will have to be destroyed imedately. 3. no retreat, no mercy.
4. if any one needs /b/lackup with in revolution, their call must be answered. very few exceptions to this rule. 5. if you need /b/lackup, make sure it's for good reasons, not just because osme one called you a fag or some thing. 6. you must be part all internets before you are fully accepted. 7. you must learn all internet rules and abide by them. 8. any who join must go under a test of skill. for every teacher, they can have different tests."

You are breaking your own rules, and Also the rules of the internets.
You would not know skill even if it would hit you in the face with 10 tons of bricks. You fail. Go die.

TLDR i am a god. i will abide by most of the rules now, since you fags just won't shut up. you would not know whow to diss me properly if it hit you in theface with a 10 ton bag of bricks. go fuck your self. I will live on for ever.

Nice. Epic win.

wait, to what??

The video, I mean. I missed a lot about This "revolution" shit. It happens when you haven't been on Newgrounds for like 3 months. What is it, some kind of mutation of /b/? And its not going to work worth shit.

oh okay. no mutation of /b/ at all. a mmutation of any thing is not what revolution is about. it's about combining all internets into one, to create TRUE spartans like me to make the dream of anonymous come even more true. too bad you think that.

You're no god, You're just another asspie that has internet tough guy syndrome.
Seriously, you really think that your life is like Fight Club, And can do whatever the fuck you want because your ego is as big as the internets.
You cant do jack shit if you don't have people following you around doing your shit for you.

Welcome to reality, asspie.
Enjoy your stay.

TFLDR. go fuck your self, you have NO IDEA what the fuck you are talking about faggit.

-"TLDR i am a god."

That's it, you're a troll.

yes i am, PART troll.

He is no troll, Just a fag.

wow. you should just GIVE, UP and kill your self. you are nothing, you have nothing, and you are a complete failure.

"wow. you should just GIVE, UP and kill your self. you are nothing, you have nothing, and you are a complete failure."

I lol'd.
You really think you wrote that sentence about me, But it really fits you more.
You see? You think you are some sort of god to everyone and everything while you are just another 13 year old boy with a tiny, tiny, radioactive dick.

You think you can start a revolution? You cant even follow your own rules, And the rules of the internet.