


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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come here n00bs, i will help you all.

Posted by Spartan500 - May 24th, 2009

i think it's time for me to do my bit as a spartan and make new Spartans almost as awesome as me. so any n00bs at all, come to me, and become my pupil of awesomeness. join me, and we shall become an unstoppable force. join me, and become 1337!!!

come here n00bs, i will help you all.


im here spartan500

>:) PM me if you wish to become 1337 also.

I fucked your mom last night.

and where do i live? don't know do you? oh! you don't! STFU n00b and GTFO fag.


WTF does that even mean?

Its G-ster fo dollas yo... thats my new word of the day

thats not one word.

hope you get some members soon but in the mean time uhhh I DUNNO LOL!

lol PM me if you aslo want to be a 1337, spartan, pretty much like me.


1337 = LEET

You're doing what now?

top secret.

I call sparten1337 :D

better get it quick before some one else does.


fuck you

all shall obey spartan law
-don't fuck up
-listen what he says

my point exactly. and my army grows more powerful as we speak, plans are coming in. i am also making a few commando squads.

Dude I took what you said I made some realizations today and would lke to take you up on your offer. PM me cause I want revenge in someone (non-troll, but a poser who steals others and my work)

nevermind...i got him on the ropes so it's all good.

so, the white knight DOES need some /b/lackup after all. next time, if you can do it alone, don't even contact me.

It was a moment of weakness. This guy is going around stealing others work and taking credit and I was one of his last victims. I don't know, I might need *shudder*
/b/lackup in the future. And I'm not a White Knight. I don't go and help ever girl in distress (rather not get invovled and worry about myself) and there's nothing wrong to have a code of ethics and respect to those who deserve it.

lol i just flamed that ass hole. you don't have to save a "damsel in distress", rather, you try and save people on "meez.com" and try to make me not raid it. THAT'S a white knight. you know i'm right. you even banned me from PMing you. how n00bish is that?

I blocked you cause I didn't want further any conflict, but that was not a great idea. Anyway thanks for flaming him. People like that need to die. It's not cool to steal other's work

so, that was a paladin, and now ur a knight.

eh...i guess I could deal with it

lol you rose and fell through the paladin ranks so fast didn't you?

Your a noobie yourself.
Fucking 09'er

lvl's does not matter. you will soon learn this if you don't STFU n00b.

THe Paladin ranks? Is this more White Knight bullshit or are you talking about Fallout 3?

the rank higher than white knight is paladin. no, i'm not talking about fall out boy.

u has small penus!1!

oh really? 11 inches small for you? fag.

mkay then