


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

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all right, i call for some /b/lackup

Posted by Spartan500 - June 23rd, 2009

this little fucker had the balls to call me a noob, he didn't even say n00b the proper way! any ways, this little fucker pissed me off by calling me a n00b and that i'm a cock sucker and shit. so i want to full on raid that fucker and show him what spartans are. we are the best, the most tough, and deadly. time to prove what we call our selves, our reputation is on the line, will you step up and prove your self who you are? or stay down and break your bond of awesomeness? Join me, and there will be one less fucker to question my and our awesomeness. the name ((i forgot to put) is kapook. he is the one that pissed me off. AND i JUST NOW got a message that all i did was get on 4chan and saw/b/ and began to think that i'm the hit. he said he walkso WANTS to be hacked! lets grant his wish! this is what he just sent to me. "Come on,whens the hacking coming?Faggot.You cant and wont do shit.The fact that you made a news post so people could go 'YE UR DE MAN!' shows how pathetic you are.Looking for validation off of strangers.Thats just sad.And what did you notice?NOBODY has said anything close to that in those comments.They've all called you a noob.Fucking noob.
You cant hack.You cant do shit.You take it up the ass.Faggot."
i'm not doing this post to get ppl to say "i'm da man" but people should be aware. the hack is coming soon, you don't even have any clue how close it is. this is all part of my plan, you stupid little cock ass.

"I think its so funny that you used an alt to try an make it look like you have friends.I hope you realize how pathetic that is.

Dont even try deny it.It was so obviously you.So sad." see how he mocks us?

all right, i call for some /b/lackup


Gee that sounds really inviting but will their be benefits like healthcare? Plus the whole speech was convincing until at the end you spelled "be" wrong. That is a n00b move my good sir! please don't kill me..........................

fine, i will edit the damned thing. does it really even mater??

wraith is right.

god so help me i will raid you if you don't STFU like a good bitch and make me a god damn sandwich!!

Ur suprised theyre lil bitches running around on newgrounds?I dont need to prove my awesomness.after a while,You just spam those fags,you'll even look bak and laugh at ''that'' noob,you'll laugh hard!

UR aweosmeness? i don't think so. any ways thats true, but right now, i have been waiting for a good old raid, and major hack on this faggit.

what's /b/????


this isnt /b/... and you are a noob.

this is newgrounds, duh, but /b/ is EVERY WHERE in new grounds. and you have no idea what your talking about faggit.

coming from someone who can't spell faggot right, or even obey rules 1 & 2, i dont think i need to be told what i do and do not understand. i mean for one thing, 4chan hates newgrounds, so i dunno why you're even here and taking an interest in this site if you are a part of anon.