


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Spartan500's News

Posted by Spartan500 - May 18th, 2009

I have waited a long time for this, and it is here. but my main goal, is 300, that will be the most epic post New grounds will ever see. But for now lets ust celebrate with candy, soda, glow sticks, and a huge house for rave parties.

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and now, here is techno Vikin to help celebrate.

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for any more suggestions for songs, please PM me. Party on pplz, party on.

50th post!

Posted by Spartan500 - May 18th, 2009

Lately, i have been a HUGE ass hole. this post is just to show other people that i am sorry, this fab thing is kinda hard on me, and my dad being gone on his work trips is kinda hard on the family. SO, just wanted to say sorry.


Posted by Spartan500 - May 17th, 2009

It's about time for a QUESTIONS post! i WILL answer EVERY SINGLE one of your questions! NO matter what it is, you WILL get the right answer. Let it begin...

It's about time...

Posted by Spartan500 - May 15th, 2009

So, i am going to make a audio for NG soon. i have garage band, i'm sure i can get my dad to turn it into a MP3. Also, there are a few new ways to make music on garage band, need to ask him about that. AND I might add some of me playing the guitar in the song. going to be sweet. I'm making a song with out garage band, it's going SSOO slow. just found a small extra portion for the beginning. Thats the update for now. OH!!! AND!! this fab thing is changing me, i don't know how much longer i can last being nice. But i might be able to make it up for being me on the blog and BBS. this fab thing is really freaky!!! 0.o


Posted by Spartan500 - May 14th, 2009

I felt the need to give a 5 to every flash in the judging phase for some reason. maybe it's because i give a 0 every time lol. So, any one that posts a flash WILL get a 5. Until i get my next badge. Then it will be blams again. So, for now, i guess i'll have to be a semi fag, and go with "Fabulous" Until my next badge. this will be a dark time for me. I am no homo, yet i'm going to be a fab person. Then it will go back to dark, where i belong. This is my update.

For some reason...

Posted by Spartan500 - May 12th, 2009

I will be lvl 9! gona be AWESOME!!! here is a pic that is some what related to how I look XD

take the pic if you want. i don't care.

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Here is an AWESOME song!

In eight days...

Posted by Spartan500 - May 11th, 2009

found out i MIGHT be able to make flashes, IF i get better grades, yea i sound n00bish right now, but i'm pretty happy i might be able to make flashes. If i get c's or higher then i'll be able to get a computer drawer thingy 0.o no idea what it is called. soo, any ways good news might be ab to make flash, bad news, might not be able to make flash soon.

here is a vid that made me lol, and loose.

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Posted by Spartan500 - May 10th, 2009

OK, i found this little mother fucker to spam and troll. it's time to show what NG is really about. he got pissed off because i gave good advice on his flag and he did not like it. here is the link.


Thats the mother fucker. Time to show what we are. we, are spartans.

i'm going to edit this post to show him the messages and my reply's to them.

k, here it is.

"I replied to it, you are welcome to go to my profile to rebuttle 300 freak" :ChickenShit

"you little noob, trying to help you out moron. You want to look cool on NG, and if you did what i said you will be cool. LOL STF AND GTFO" : Spartan500

"who are you calling a noob, you signed up 3 months ago,did you even know about sparta before the innacurate movie of 300, it's STFU not STF, that's not cool, your not cool" : ChickenShit

don't have my reply because i just sent mine to him, don't feel like retyping it.

Posted by Spartan500 - May 9th, 2009

i laughs SO hard when i saw these videos! I would rave party to the shamwow dude's rave party song XD

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Posted by Spartan500 - May 8th, 2009

i made this pic a long time ago, i'm not as good now, but i'm ok. need to practice more. what do you peoples think? Pretty awesome ninja right?

so check this out