


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Spartan500's News

Posted by Spartan500 - June 9th, 2009

ZekeySpaceyLizard has challenged me , and it's time to show him what a real internet nightmare is, he wants me to do it, so i just want my master hacker to help me out on this one, if any one else does, feel free to do so.

ZekeySpaceyLizard has challenged me

Posted by Spartan500 - June 7th, 2009

just one more day till i'm back on the BBS. >:D they can not stop me from the BBS. BUT, they can perma ban me :| that would suck. but i'm pretty exited to get back on the BBS. as proud of my self for getting banned, i don't want to do it again, the BBS is very fun. ALSO, it's been a wile since i turned in some XP. need to start that up again. could be almost lvl 10 by now

/* */

just one more day...

Posted by Spartan500 - June 4th, 2009

"gamer30hrplus Jun. 4, 2009 @ 2:28 AM EDT

this means war. i have called my generals and trolls. they are going to hit you with everything the have until you and you guys surrender got it. you made the wrong move. little man. i want you to surrender or else. POST THE SURRENDER"

All of my trolls, my personal army, i call upon thee to start a new age, to start the age of a flame war on a chick with a dick that got mad at igott. he may not have asked for /b/lackup from me, but by hell he is going to get it. Hackers, she stays on for hours on end, trolls, she thinks she has right even though she is gay, and has a dick and balls. "rest up and eat a hearty breakfast, FOR TONIGHT WE DINE, IN HELL!!!!"

it's about time for a flame war

Posted by Spartan500 - May 31st, 2009

it's finally happened. i have been banned from the BBS. reason not necesarry, but i have been banned. here is how long:

ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 10 days. You have 10 days, 1 hour, 49 minutes and 19 seconds left until your ban is lifted.

i am very proud and happy with my self, all of you pussy's that think "being banned suckes balls" can now suck MY balls. I AM PROUD OF MYSELF FOR BEING BANNED!!!!


Posted by Spartan500 - May 29th, 2009

it has come to my attention that one of my friends has been perma banned on his old account for the BBS. he made a new one, and now he has a VERY low BBS post number. lets read what he has said.

Roland7749 wrote: Listen I had an old account perma banned from BBS by some dick mod who was stalking me. On this one I only have 1-2 posts cause iv been waiting for a change. BUT NO LONGER SHALL I WAIT! Get everyone you can get to join a PM explosion to any staff mem (espcially Flup) on June 7th for a system update where mods are handpicked from staff and if found to be corrupted to be perma-banned. Are you in?

i want to know what you people think, yes, or no. personally, i think this is a wonderful idea, and should be done.


it has come to my attention...

Posted by Spartan500 - May 27th, 2009

new grounds has made some awesome flashes recently, and i am proud of new grounds. the new format, it all makes me feel happy and generous. All of you may ask of me ONE favor, i need to start to give things back to new grounds. it will be rare for me to say no to a favor, make it a good one, some thing i CAN do. So lets spread the joy! >:)

I'm proud

Posted by Spartan500 - May 24th, 2009

i think it's time for me to do my bit as a spartan and make new Spartans almost as awesome as me. so any n00bs at all, come to me, and become my pupil of awesomeness. join me, and we shall become an unstoppable force. join me, and become 1337!!!

come here n00bs, i will help you all.

Posted by Spartan500 - May 21st, 2009

SO SUCK IT BITCHES!!!! I am SSSSOOOOO PUMPED!!!!! i'm very happy and full of joy, if any one tries to and kills mah mood, i swear, i will kick you into the pit of death! so lets party!

I'm lvl 9!!!

Posted by Spartan500 - May 20th, 2009

Just.. one more day till i'm lvl 9. I can hardly wait! I'M FUCKING HYPER! I'M PUMPED!!! >:O

and here is a pic i found that i thought that could be that one dude from Street Fighter.

Just.. one more....

Posted by Spartan500 - May 19th, 2009

Been on the BBS alot. there has been nothing else to do for a wile. New grounds got a little boring, and that saddens me. BUT, then hope was found. As i looked at the link that said "FORUMS" i thought, "there is hope!" As i clicked on that link, my eyes go wide, my jaw hits my key bord. What i was looking at, was different topics. Eager to see what was in General, i found a few new topics, my heart beat was rising, my breathing got shorter and faster. i clicked on a random topic, and glory was in my eyes. I looked apon a picture, and there is was. Chuck Norris was giving a high five, and then i knew. i knew that this thing called the BBS, was made by the gods. I had known about the BBS before, but i never knew how awesome it could be. As i make this news post, i just can't stop thinking about That picture, how awesome it was, the glory i felt as the topic maker received a fail. That, was glorious, EPIC even! And now, i do post apon my news post the picture of awesomeness.

A story of today.