


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Spartan500's News

Posted by Spartan500 - June 29th, 2009

I will miss you, you have done what no other man could, bring us soap at affordable prices. and now you are gone. Revolution will all ways remember you.

Billy Maze

Posted by Spartan500 - June 29th, 2009

i have not been scouted yet! IT'S BEEN THREE WEEKS!! WTF?! i recently added a new art piece, hope you guys like it. i just want people to be able to score my pics, cuz i'm getting pissed off. no other updates for you pplz. l8r

Posted by Spartan500 - June 27th, 2009

lol the fag is dead, he made a impact on the world, and little children. the fag is dead, who really give a fuck? he is like the male form of brittny spears, YET NOT A WHORE!! BUT A PEDOPHILE!! get over it you fags.

lol the fag michael jackson is dead!

Posted by Spartan500 - June 26th, 2009

Kapook calls me n00b and bull shit like that, and i blok him from sending me messages, and now i hear nothing from him, AT ALL. not even on my news posts. so, who is the real fag here? is he claiming a full on flame war? if he is, i want to know, i will go full force with every one and every thing i have, and i will win becuase i have a few secret weapons. SO KAPOOK, WHERE ARE YOU AND YOUR UNAWESOMENESS?!

also, i changed my server name to ( o Y o ) <-- Boobies lol my dad rocks

any ways, here is a pic that i am posting just for kapook and his "crew or /b/lackup" if he has any, so kapook, here you go buddeh!

i think this is funny

Posted by Spartan500 - June 24th, 2009

so, diss me. yea, give it to me, you can't do shit to me, why? you CAN'T do any thing! and you, Kazook, thinking i won't do any thing WILL be your downfall, call me a n00b all you want, not like it's going to matter soon when your PERMA BANED. i take flame wars and hacking VERY seriously, and you will regret pissing me off. any one else like to say any thing? come on, tell me your worst. you can't do any thing to me. BUT, you CAN hinder your self. i'm in a some what good mood, so say thing i won't really care, but non stop, and i will hinder you.

all right. this post is for all of you fagits and fuck ups.

Posted by Spartan500 - June 23rd, 2009

this little fucker had the balls to call me a noob, he didn't even say n00b the proper way! any ways, this little fucker pissed me off by calling me a n00b and that i'm a cock sucker and shit. so i want to full on raid that fucker and show him what spartans are. we are the best, the most tough, and deadly. time to prove what we call our selves, our reputation is on the line, will you step up and prove your self who you are? or stay down and break your bond of awesomeness? Join me, and there will be one less fucker to question my and our awesomeness. the name ((i forgot to put) is kapook. he is the one that pissed me off. AND i JUST NOW got a message that all i did was get on 4chan and saw/b/ and began to think that i'm the hit. he said he walkso WANTS to be hacked! lets grant his wish! this is what he just sent to me. "Come on,whens the hacking coming?Faggot.You cant and wont do shit.The fact that you made a news post so people could go 'YE UR DE MAN!' shows how pathetic you are.Looking for validation off of strangers.Thats just sad.And what did you notice?NOBODY has said anything close to that in those comments.They've all called you a noob.Fucking noob.
You cant hack.You cant do shit.You take it up the ass.Faggot."
i'm not doing this post to get ppl to say "i'm da man" but people should be aware. the hack is coming soon, you don't even have any clue how close it is. this is all part of my plan, you stupid little cock ass.

"I think its so funny that you used an alt to try an make it look like you have friends.I hope you realize how pathetic that is.

Dont even try deny it.It was so obviously you.So sad." see how he mocks us?

all right, i call for some /b/lackup

Posted by Spartan500 - June 22nd, 2009

i'm practicing on MS paint ((yes i know, n00bish and stupid)) but i have made a few good shoop da whoop pics. GOING TO TRY TO PUT MORE PICS ON THE PORTAL!!!

Posted by Spartan500 - June 20th, 2009

of my awesome ninja, i also put it in negative, and i will post that one also, but the thing is, it has not shown up yet! i keep looking for it, and it's not there! will a little thing come on my page about what i have submitted? i need answers!

I have submitted my art work

Posted by Spartan500 - June 20th, 2009

so, i was some what "dead" for the past week. i was NOT hit by a virus or any thing, i went on a camping trip wif mah best buddeh. and now i'm back. i could be a lvl 10 by now but right now i don't really give a flying fuck. the thing ish I'M BACK!!! :D

i live!!!..... AGAIN!!!!

Posted by Spartan500 - June 16th, 2009

6 days till i am level 10. we will need to take our dads liqure, bring some hookers, and TONS of video games, it will be the night of our lives people, and it shall be epic.