


school of SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Spartaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa

Joined on 2/9/09

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Spartan500's News

Posted by Spartan500 - July 31st, 2009

Lazer collection 3 is out! OH MY GAWD!!!! it was just releiced, only 303 views from what i saw! look at it!!!!!!!!!!

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((still talk about revolution, this matter has not died))

Posted by Spartan500 - July 29th, 2009

yes, i am back. (terminator referance) i thought that revolution is very small, and could use more people like me. if you wish to join, you must be trained by me. time is limited, and there are many places open. better hurry! must haves : 1. ability to win. 2. NO FAGS!
rules. 1. i am the grand master untill i leave and give it all to my master, so you will obey me with out question. 2. No fagitry shall be allowed, those who turn to faggits will have to be destroyed imedately. 3. no retreat, no mercy.
4. if any one needs /b/lackup with in revolution, their call must be answered. very few exceptions to this rule. 5. if you need /b/lackup, make sure it's for good reasons, not just because osme one called you a fag or some thing. 6. you must be part all internets before you are fully accepted. 7. you must learn all internet rules and abide by them. 8. any who join must go under a test of skill. for every teacher, they can have different tests. BUT, they must be with in reason.

revolution will be strong, revolution will be powerful, revolution will live on. ALL HAIL SPARTAN500!!!

revolution aplicants any one?

Posted by Spartan500 - July 28th, 2009

Started to play fable: lost chaters again. finally found it after one hole year of it being lost. not much else. small, mini not so epic update of a not so epic part of my recent activities. i know what most of you will say. "If it's not so fucking epic, why the fuck did you post it?" Well, to answer that, i thought it has been a long time for a not so epic post, some times so much win and epic can get a little boring. any one else like fable?

Posted by Spartan500 - July 15th, 2009

i might stop in some times, but rarely. most of the time to deposit some points, and get some medals, possibly post art. the long tall halls of a great and powerful warrior filled with statues, pictures, heads of those whom he destroyed decorate the walls. only one pair of foot steps roam the hall ways, yet never found. revolution is now in the hands of his master, the one who made the spartan every thing he is. "Revolution will live on, spartan500 shall rarely be seen any more. but, he will be around."

l8r every one, i had so much fun trolling all you faggits, i had a lot of fun hacking some dip shits, and i had fun being so awesome, powerful, and epic. every once in a wile i will make a post. i will not leave completely, but i will be seen rarely.

Posted by Spartan500 - July 13th, 2009

two of my art posts were deleted! i gave credit to jhonyutah when i made the blue commando! i look at his terms and found that it was okay to some what replicate it, as long as i give credit to jhonyutah, AND I DID!!! but why was my left4dead post deleted? NO ONE EVEN SAW IT!! I WAS NEVER SCOUTED!!! i'm getting PISSED OFF!!

Posted by Spartan500 - July 12th, 2009

some have said that at your 4th pic you get scouted, but i can't even see my pics on the art portal with out using my user page to get to them! WTF?! i need help! when will i get scouted! i want people to see my pics! my new pic is for left4dead.

added a new pic to the art portal

Posted by Spartan500 - July 10th, 2009

found a new faggit to troll my friends! i received a messages from a faggit that thinks HE is the shit, so, now it's time to show that cunt of a man what we really are. yog-soggoth is the fucking ass weed i found. "Cum-wad capitan... I just think you suck because my balls are wet and it's your saliva.No please don't take it personal, I just fucking hate everything about 15 year old americans who eat shit on a daily basis. Oh! and fuck off "anon" ;D (piece of shit newfag)..." to an extent, this little fucker is right. i am PART newfag. this dude, told us to "fuck off", but lets raid and troll this mother fucker, because NO ONE should dare to mess with anonymous! how does he know i'm 15? how does he know i'm not 35? this is the internet no one is what they say they are, how does he know i am who i say i am? i don't eat shit, but i drop pieces of shit like him on a daily bases. what do you people think? raid this little mother fucker, or just LMAO at this pathetic ass weed because we are too awesome, and he does not even deserve our trolling words of epic and awesome? i REALLY want to know what you people think, destruction? ((all ways fun)) or just laugh it off at the fucker and make him feel like nothing. ((also kind of trolling))

i doth call upon /b/ for /b/lackup!

Posted by Spartan500 - July 9th, 2009

Why the hell do people think i am igott. he is not the old igott i used to get my /b/lackup from, and i have no idea what happened to the old him, but I AM NOT IGOTT!! i want to clear this up. if any one has questions, i will answer them. if you don't believe me then fuck off. BUT I AM NOT IGOTT! i have my own style of trolling.

unrelated epic Hitler pic


Posted by Spartan500 - July 2nd, 2009

yes, i have a life, unliek you bastards. i am at a new point at my life, call me what you will, i have done asi said to kapook. i have hacked him, and put in his comp a virus that gives him porn, but his computer can't shut off, so, in a bout a week or month, his computer will fry, and it will not be worth shit. so, i am also going to get into his log and totally destroy it. and that will be my last attack, raid, flame war, trolling, or any thing else, revolution is dieing, and i am leaving it to my comrades and brethren to keep my Revolution alive, i hope they become what i was, as awesome, and epic as i was, and keep revolution going on, and a name to be feared, but can also be viewed as a refuge. I am at a new point in my life, and i have come to a decision. i will stop going to new grounds, i will top my rule, no matter how hard it is, i shall disappear in a wile. call me weak, call me a n00b, call me a dick eating pussy bitch, i don't care. i will be leaving, and no one will stop me. i was hoping i would get to over 100 posts, but now that seems as if it will never happen. so, i don't expect any good words, i don't expect any good byes, but they would be much appreciated. i will not disappear yet, but the time is soon.

so, my REAL LIFE.

Posted by Spartan500 - June 30th, 2009

this is Spartan500 approved. not only does it have the correct amount of awesome, it has SO MUCH aweosme! this is an epic win, and this is mabe by oney, i found this link on cris & harry, and i think oney should post this on NG. ((i don't think he did, so if i'm wrong oh well)) but, watch this video of awesome randowm shit tha is approved by Spartan500!

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